So I haven't posted lately but all of you that know me understand that I have been very sick. Hopefully, I am on the mend now!
Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of an event that will forever be ingrained in my memory. As you know, I am an assistant principal at an elementary school and one part of my job is buses. Each month, two students from each bus are elected as Bus Riders of the Month and are treated to a free breakfast at McDonalds with me. (Although each time when we pull into Food
Lion to park, I tell the kids we have a change of plans and will be eating at Food Lion rather than McDonalds.) McDonalds is also kind enough to buy my breakfast and the bus drivers' breakfast too. Well for a year, I looked forward to this day each month where I could eat a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit and drink a Coke (at the end of the month right before payday when I am broke). Last year though, my first trip to McDonalds (after discovering that I have Celiac's) with the students was really hard. You have to remember that more than anything else, I crave bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits (even to this day) so this trip was my first time going into McDonalds after cutting out gluten. I knew that the only option for me was a yogurt parfait (with no granola) and I am sorry but that is nothing compared to a biscuit!!! I thought for the most part I handled it fine...until I noticed that this one kid had a crumb of biscuit on his almost empty wrapper. I am not kidding you...That crumb started haunting me. Was he really just going to throw it away??? Have you ever seen the commercials where you see the person who is obsessed by something? That was me! I envisioned taking that small biscuit crumb...OFF OF A CHILD'S PLATE mind you... And eating it! I have never wanted a biscuit so bad in all of my life! I mean my mouth was drooling! Thank goodness, I knew the consequences outweighed the biscuit crumb, but I will admit that it took every bit of my will power not to grab it and eat it. I made it through the breakfast (with the bus driver being the only person that understood that this small trip was hard for me) and many more after that, but the best news was that I made it through a tough internal battle and did not break down and eat the crumb. At this time last year, I conquered my greatest weakness, but I must admit that every day is a struggle! Who likes to pass up all of that gluten in sugary, salty, and fried bites of goodness? Not I...but I have no choice!
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