Tuesday, August 18, 2015

$70 for Absolutely NO Answers

After I returned from the beach, I went to a gastrointestinal doctor's appointment (at the same practice that the Perfectly Annoying PA was located) with the doctor who diagnosed me with Celiac Disease.  I was so excited about this appointment, because I had been reading all of this crazy information about how extreme people were taking this gluten-free thing and I wanted answers.  I mean, really, did you need a separate toaster for gluten-free bread?  That just seemed a little crazy to me!  Well anyway, when the doctor arrived, he listened to my stomach, then sat down, and said, "so how is it going?"  I started talking a mile a minute (which if you know me is not a stretch, especially if I am curious about something).  I started throwing question after question at him based on what I had read.  Unfortunately, he was absolutely no help!  This doctor who should have known all about Celiac Disease had no answers for me!  He just kept telling me to ask the dietitian when I went to that appointment.  The only good answer he gave me was that these crazy people who seemed to take this gluten-free to the extreme were not so crazy.  Seriously, I really needed to go out and buy a new toaster!  Go figure!  This disease was getting to be expensive!  I mean this useless doctor's appointment had cost me $70.  I had learned more by googling and downloading a $10 book on Amazon...

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